

皇冠体育博彩大学 全球参与办公室, ILAC, and Encuentro Dominicano logos

50多年来, 皇冠体育博彩大学 has provided programming in the 多米尼加共和国 that emphasizes the importance of global vision and understanding in educating well-rounded individuals. This is made possible through a unique partnership with Educación para la Salud Integral中心 (CESI) well-known by its English name, Mision ILAC. 通过这种伙伴关系, Creighton-ILAC提供牙科服务, medical, nursing, pharmacy, law, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, undergraduate and high school students the opportunity to learn through service.


Creighton-ILAC的学生申请在 周杰伦海外门户. Professionals interested in volunteering should e-mail ilac@watashirikon.com 

ILAC statement of solidarity concerning the humanitarian crisis in Haiti

During this time we hold in our thoughts and prayers the many people around the world who are experiencing displacement and disruption. May our hearts continue to grow with compassion as we navigate these difficult times. We are especially mindful of the political and social instability that has driven hundreds of thousands of Haitians to flee to the 多米尼加共和国 and across the world.

近五十年来,皇冠体育博彩大学 拉丁美洲关注研究所 has worked in the 多米尼加共和国 in partnerships with the Educación para la Salud Integral中心 (CESI -也被亲切地称为“Mision ILAC”), 其他多明尼加服务机构, 以及许多农村“校园”,包括海地的“bateys”,” to provide health services and infrastructure development to support connected end empowered communities.

At this time, our programs are operating normally based on the following facts and realities:

  • The Creighton-ILAC team monitors warnings and any alerts that come up as our team is enrolled in a notification program from the US government for travelers to the 多米尼加共和国, 所以我们会做任何必要的调整, 如果需要的话. 根据我们的经验, most of the time these warnings are covering tourist zones that we don't visit or rough neighborhoods in the country that are also far from where we operate.
  • ILAC works primarily in the northern part of the 多米尼加共和国, which is approximately 8 hours’ drive away from Port-au-Prince, 在海地南部, where the current conflict is primarily taking place.
  • The current travel advisory level for the 多米尼加共和国 from the US State Department remains at Level 2: Exercise increased caution.  自6月6日以来,风险级别一直处于2级, 2023 and has not changed in response to recent events to Haiti. (It is not uncommon for the Dept of State travel advisory level to move between Levels 1 & DR为2.)
  • The current travel advisory level for Haiti from the US State Department is Level 4: Do Not Travel (as of July 27, 2023), which both 皇冠体育博彩大学 and ILAC/CESI comply with.

We are distressed by the efforts being undertaken by many countries, including the 多米尼加共和国 and the United States, to deport Haitian citizens back to their home country in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.

We encourage our community to continue to support initiatives of solidarity, 接待和陪伴流离失所者, such as 耶稣会难民服务处 and the 基诺边境倡议. We encourage everyone to remain engaged in civic discourse with elected officials about compassionate policies, 如那些支持的 美国天主教主教会议. 
If you would like to know more about Ignatian advocacy opportunities or how to contact your elected officials, 请与 施莱格尔服务与司法中心 在下贝克大厅.  If you would like to learn more about Creighton’s work in the 多米尼加共和国, please visit the 拉丁美洲关注研究所 在皇冠体育博彩大厅.

Pope Francis has invited us to care for our earth and our community, reminding us that “we are called to form integrated communities rather than remain as individuals, 教派或国家. 未来是不可知的, 我们可以相信, 在某种程度上,我们把自己奉献给了探索, we will find what we seek — no matter how impossible to imagine.” Let us continue to work for greater peace and hospitality in our world both locally and globally. 


More than 5,000 students have participated in ILAC programs
Twelve high school and university programs outside of Creighton
15,000 patients served in rural medical clinics over the past 5 years
2,000 water filters inspected by students over the pas 5 years
ILAC is international, Catholic, and Ignatian-insipired
ILAC与医学合作, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, OT, PT, 法学院和科罗拉多大学本科生
Promoting an exchange of gifts, service, immersion, language, reflection
7,500 patients evaluated by surgical groups over the past 5 years


Occupational therapy student Olivia Brem spent her level 1D fieldwork experience in the 多米尼加共和国 designing interventions for patients of all ages. 

“The ILAC program run by Creighton in the DR gives opportunities to students to learn more about diverse communities as well as give back to the community through service.——奥利维亚·布莱姆